Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oviedo - What do I think it is going to be like

I am really excited that I was able to attend this program. When I think of Oviedo, I think of the scenes in the movie, Vickie, Christina, Barcelona. Beautiful Spaniards like Javier Bardem, the cool architecture, Spanish guitar. All I can hope is that wine won't make me vomit like Scarlett Johansen did, as I am too a light weight.

As I have googled it and reviewed images, I think that there will be spanish architecture, sculptures and rain. I think that few people will know how to speak english and that I will probably have a hard time communicating, when I first get there. My only hope is that I have a good host family. What that means to me exactly is that I hope my host family is sweet and kind, clean is nice and I would love love love a good cook. Even better would be someone who will teach me how to cook traditional Spanish dishes. Above all I hope we like each other since we will be together for 5 weeks.

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